David Mills: [Looking at the book list] "Of Human Bondage". Bondage? William Somerset: It's not what you think.
Dianne: Daffs is always taking me to see these listed buildings, and I'm always dragging him to the theatre.
I've never really thought of myself as an entrepreneur. I think of an entrepreneur as someone who wants to make a lot of money. That has never been at the top of my list.
If I have to make a self-portrait, I would put poetry and rebellion on the list. To be able to walk on a wire, to be able to juggle six hoops, you need focus, another word for tenacity, which is passion.
Catholic schools in Indonesia routinely accept non-Catholic students, but exempt them from studying religion. Obama's school documents, though, wrongly list him as being Indonesian.
You don't sit down and write a wish list about the person you are going to fall violently in love with. It just doesn't work like that.
I know that as a vegan, I'm in a minority. People love their meat. It's up there with sugar and TV and maybe even coffee on the list of inalienable American rights.
Record labels collude with some of the radio stations, and the radio stations have their play lists, dependent upon what they call the, quote, 'hits.' What's commercially viable gets recycled, endlessly repeated, and as a result of that, the progress...
I've had some pretty awful jobs that I don't miss, like working on a nightclub door, or compiling VIP lists at 3 A.M. in the morning, but sometimes it's just got to be done.
On Sundays, I like to plan how I want to exit the week and what are the key things I need to get done that week. I list them, and then I do check-ins on them each morning.
The real or supposed rights of man are of two kinds, active and passive; the right in certain cases to do as we list; and the right we possess to the forbearance or assistance of other men.
When I first started acting in movies - as probably a lot of naive young actors do - I made a list of directors that I wanted to work with and sent it to my agent at the time.
Carter Chambers: You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.
Edward Cole: What does a snail have to do to reincarnate? Leave the perfect trail of slime?
Thomas: I'm proud of you. Edward Cole: Nobody cares what you think.
Edward Cole: [to the nurse] Don't give me morphine while I'm sleepin'! It's a waste!
Carter Chambers: I've had bowls of soup with more depth than you have.
I raised my three teens with love, perseverance, tenacity, sweat, tears, prayers, lighting candles, and the list could go on.
To what derision should I be exposed from a thousand quarters!- An unlearned female entering the lists of criticism against the mighty Johnson!
When popularity is your only goal, doing well in class is going to feature very low, if at all, on your priority list.
I could probably give you a list of a dozen pet peeves I have about my own physicality and why I couldn't get a second date.