Nice customs curtsy to great kings.
Kings can only use their best tools.
Iron. Ice. A Love Doomed From the Start
Notorious Lucifer, King of Hell, claimed to know love again.
I can manage," said Frodo. "I must.
I cannot live, if I am already dead.
His name is Legion. He is the king of nowhere.
With kings and queens inside his bag. Hulaki was a man of power.
In things a moderation keep; Kings ought to shear, not skin, their sheep.
When the autumn meets the tranquillity, there you can see the King of the Sceneries!
Why call yourself a King when you don't have the Freedom to do anything!-RVM
Education is experience, and the essence of experience is self-reliance.
It is good to put your life in other people's hands.
He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.
I die the king's faithful servant, but God's first.
Is it not passing brave to be a King and ride in triumph through Persepolis?
A pious man is one who would be an atheist if the king were.
Well, I don’t want to be king, I want to be real.
Even if you are poor, you can still receive the inheritances from the King!
Dr. King Schultz: You silver tongued devil, you.
Hamlet: The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king.