The tears creat havoc which stays on the eyelid .
Ignorance does not pave the path for life.
[Blog post, March 10, 2014]
Competition in spiritual matters brings confusion.
Prove to me that you deserved it.
We live, we love, we let it go.
Writing is fundamentally an act of insurrection.
Euer Freund ist die Antwort auf eure Nöte.
Inconvienience pushes one into heroic action...
Let your home be you mast and not your anchor.
Bedauern ist die Trübung des Geistes und nicht seine Läuterung.
By definition startups usually do not turn a profit.
I have gone to the forest.
Kau masih matahari pagi yang mengakhiri yelda-ku.
Here I'm here- the snow falling.
Onstage, I was never the ingenue.
The world is a contradiction; the universe a paradox.
He ordered killings as easily as he ordered linguine.
Kill them with success, and bury them with a smile
Every opportunity missed is an opportunity for regret
Mental clarity ain't for the faint of heart.