Nothing' is the ultimate state of matter.
The universe is a contradiction; time a paradox.
Time that moves the sun and the other stars.
The first wealth of the universe is time.
The first wealth of nations is time.
Time can make anything by timing.
Time don't get older, it get better.
Become the master of your time.
I am a time addict.
You can't breathe without time.
Follow time. It knows the way.
With a revival, you're compared to somebody else.
A mistake of one man is not the mistake of mankind.
Heroism in a bad cause.
Creativity is as important as literacy
Suffering is when we resist the moment.
The historian is a prophet looking backward.
In true prose everything must be underlined.
Aphorisms are the true form of the universal philosophy.
A fool is wise in his eyes.
I have no regrets. Not a single one.