Don't be afraid of your dreams.
I don't use drugs, my dreams are frightening enough.
In our dreams we are always young.
You've got to have dreams to keep you going.
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
Education brings about opportunity, and in turn inspiration.
Education enables people and societies to be what they can be.
The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.
Education isn't part of my agenda, it is my agenda.
Canada is the homeland of equality, justice and tolerance.
All imaginable futures are not equally possible.
Democratic principles are the result of equality of condition.
Conscience is the authentic voice of God to you.
God made me an Indian.
Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
History is the great dust-heap... a pageant and not a philosophy.
The banalities of a great man pass for wit.
Great creativity is astonishingly, absurdly, rationally, irrationally powerful.
There's a great public disinclination toward politicians.
The great thieves lead away the little thief.
Great battles can make great heroes and heroines.