You don't help your enterprise with a policy of protection.
You can't build Europe against anyone.
With a face like mine, I do better in print.
Sadly, this problem of steroid use is not isolated to baseball.
Talk radio doesn't need to be political.
Washington is Hollywood for ugly people.
Some may seek revenge, but this is not our policy.
Idolatry is in a man's own thought, not in the opinion of another.
The Pope? How many divisions has he got?
But it is a fact that within Jewry there exists a sect which engaged in these murders.
The word 'commercial' implies a notion of profit.
If America runs on Dunkin', do I detect a slight limp?
Well look, I don't begrudge anybody in the voters and their views.
I can never consent to being dictated to.
I am not able of hating. I am not able of hating.
Governments are run by people. People can be bad.
You don't get unity by ignoring the questions that have to be faced.
Make it a crime to harm a fetus during another crime.
I wept not, so to stone within I grew.
From a little spark may burst a flame.
Controversial proposals, once accepted, soon become hallowed.