I'm getting nervous to be called a centrist. Breaking out in a rash.
We must return conservatives to the majority in the U.S. Senate.
The constant abuse of online activity must stop.
The American people have not become heartless.
I'm supremely uninterested as to what is written in many of the newspapers.
I don't want to crawl over the entrails of past disputes.
The E.U. is the world's fastest growing democratic body.
My duty is clear and at all costs will be done.
The Gentlemen of England serve under the greatest cad in Europe.
I don't know why my son was born conservative.
I am a very committed European.
Financial transaction tax raises problems of competition.
I now teach at American University and the University of Virginia.
Griffin Bell later apologized to me for that decision.
Black reporters are as capable of racism as anyone else.
Dementia is not exclusively a problem of the developed world.
France will insist on the need for updated and responsive institutions.
But I'd rather not predict. I'd rather affect.
The patient is in intensive care but still alive.
Conservation is an American value, and it is lacking from this bill.
These will be fabulous investments and will make millions of more people rich.