It's okay for me to be gay, but God didn't make me that way.
To those whose God is honor; only disgrace is a sin.
What ever disunites man from God, also disunites man from man.
You seek the heights of manhood when you seek the depths of God.
We understand God by everything in ourselves that is fragmentary, incomplete, and inopportune.
I actually do propose open-mindedness, but open-mindedness to the Word of God.
God has two families of children on this earth, the once-born and the twice-born.
Evil and good are God's right hand and left.
God is love. I have loved. Therefore, I will go to heaven.
I don't think God's through with me.
Our ships, God be thanked, have received little hurt.
God is the last link of the chain, but He is the first also.
Blessing is the soveraign act of God, and the power of benediction like the power of God.
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.
God is not beholden to us at all. He doesn't owe us anything.
I'm this dude that can play a farmhand and a handyman and sometimes a Greek god.
Well, thank God for a media that will ask questions.
Here in Davos, it is generally assumed that there is now only one god - the market.
If God exists, what objection can he have to saying so?
An omnipotent God is the only being with no reason to lie.
It is the quality of our work which will please God and not the quantity.