It takes a long time to grow an old friend.
India-Seychelles relations have been characterized by close friendship, understanding and cooperation.
Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or to keep one.
A quarrel between friends, when made up, adds a new tie to friendship.
The very idea of freedom incites fear in the hearts of terrorists across the world.
Great work is done by people who are not afraid to be great.
There is perhaps nothing so bad and so dangerous in life as fear.
The surest way to prevent war is not to fear it.
Crime and the fear of crime have permeated the fabric of American life.
Being rich and famous isn't all happiness and at times the pressures have got to me.
There is greatness in the fear of God, contentment in faith of God, and honour in humility.
He who is not impressed by sound advice, lacks faith.
If they take their children to doctors, they believe they are putting their faith in man instead of in God.
Duty cannot exist without faith.
Faith, culture, structure and guidance are good things.
All the faith and good will in the world is wasted without direction.
I'm just glad that my community has faith and confidence in me.
Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have not already tested.
I want to reaffirm, as king, my faith in the unity of Spain.
The military is very constitutionalist, and I have my faith in them and in the cooler heads of the people.
Through these adversities, Israel has endured with continued strength, conviction, and faith.