What is truth? said jesting Pilate; and would not stay for an answer.
But the truth is that critics are by definition critical. That's their job.
I can prove anything by statistics except the truth.
We must explain the truth: There is no free lunch.
Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light.
Children say that people are hung sometimes for speaking the truth.
The truth is always less interesting than the fiction.
The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.
Cal: I have purchased a firearm.
Aunt Bethany: Is Rusty still in the navy?
Roberto: Very strange mother, my mother.
Rich Boyd: I knew there was something wrong with that kid.
Adolf Hitler: In a war as such there are no civilians.
Gromeko: Good marriages are made in heaven... or some such place.
Bytes: He's the greatest Freak in the World...
Narrator: Bob had bitch tits.
Ronnie: [to Stathis] You're a petty schmuck!
Wardaddy: We're still in this fight! WE'RE STILL IN THIS FIGHT!
Bob Rusk: Got a place to stay?
Dominic Toretto: I don't have friends, I got family.
[repeated line] Cherry: I was going to be a stand-up comedian.