I always like to leave art and music open to interpretation.
Art, like morality, consists in drawing the line somewhere.
A great artist is always before his time or behind it.
Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
I've loved art for more than 30 years.
Creative without strategy is called 'art.' Creative with strategy is called 'advertising.'
People believe that photographs are true and therefore cannot be art.
I also had a tremendous passion for art and read a lot.
Nothing they design ever gets in the way of a work of art.
Art is about play and about transcendent meanings, not reducible to politics.
Movies are an art form that is very available to the masses.
Miami's my favorite art fair. I even surfed there one year.
The art of acting consists in keeping people from coughing.
The grist for my mill is the human body and the art of healing.
When we look back at the Mayans or ancient Egypt, we look at their art.
The sinews of art and literature, like those of war, are money.
When I got saved, God became my art agent.
These are the times that try men's souls.
This was an urban legend that didn't make it on to Snopes.com
We couldn’t be friends. We couldn’t be enemies. So what were we?
In place of a hermeneutics we need an erotics of art.