Remember this: debt is a form of bondage. It is a financial termite.
Dreams last so long, even after you're gone
It takes two hands to clap.
Marketing is a core part of anything you do.
America demands invention and innovation to succeed.
The appearance doesn't matter as much as the content.
Language is the mother of thought, not its handmaiden.
In a country of consciousness, ideas are its' citizens.
We mustn't hesitate to cut corruption at its roots.
All of North Korea is a jail.
We're failing when it comes to controlling spending.
A man without a vote is man without protection.
I am a straightforward man.
Africa has a time-honored and brilliant civilization.
I want the voice of developing countries to be stronger.
I've always tried to vote my conscience.
looking for support makes weak and abnormal
We ape, we mimic, we mock. We act.
I am not as simple as I look.
I don't think we'll win every election.