Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best.
The best ideas start as conversations.
The best prophet of the future is the past.
The best interpreter of the law is custom.
The best vision is insight.
Try celebrating the best and not the worst.
I have not been briefed.
Experience can not be improvise
Friends; the more, the less!
Dreams are manifestation of the reality.
Obama's capitalism is a capitalism of connections.
The gods look in pleasure on penitent sinners.
I was bitten by an octopus.
I'm a fan of Jeb Bush's.
Happiness grows best in the soil of contentment.
The devil...the prowde spirite...cannot endure to be mocked.
When in darkness....strike a match
My commitment is my commitment.
If there is no time, there is no progress.
Let's win one for the Gipper.
All fighters are prostitutes and all promoters are pimps.