Each time a girl approached the table, Mortimer would smile. Like this: And each time the girl would shriek and run away.
I timed my previous wife's pregnancy to the moment to have my son born on Bob Dylan's 50th birthday. There is no bigger Bob Dylan fan than me. You don't just time the day and impregnate your wife to get your kid to be born on Bob Dylan's 50th birthda...
My goal every time I make a record is just to make the funkiest, the best music I could possibly make, both lyrically, and music-wise.
I'd like just to be remembered as a guy that came along and did his music, did his best and showed up on time, clean and ready to do the job, wrote a few songs, and had a hell of a time.
The best moments can't be preconceived. I've spent a lot of time in editing rooms, and a scene can be technically perfect, with perfect delivery and facial expression and timing, and you remember all your lines, and it is dead.
I think we're going to have some difficulty in front of us. I have absolutely no doubt the next three, four years Europe are going to be at best stagnation. We are preparing for tough times.
I directed a half hour comedy pilot, 'Upgrade,' and had one of the best times ever! I had such a great time directing; I would love to get to direct another project.
In this industry, you're so used to heartbreak because nine out of 10 times, you don't get what you want. But, that one out of 10 times, you do and it's just the best feeling in the world.
Recessions are the best time to start a company. Companies fail. Others hold back capital. If you are willing to do the preparation and work, it is the best time to invest in yourself and start a business.
Being No. 1. It's talked about all of the time in hip-hop. 'I'm still No. 1! I'm the best! I'm the greatest of all time!' It's the same mentality in sports.
It was in that bubble after Vatican II when it seemed like the best time ever to grow up Catholic. It was a time when the church was so connected to the world.
How obvious can it be? ... The purpose of makeup is to defy the degradations of time, and time is just a synonym for death.
Keating stood still, because he understood for the first time what it was that artists spoke about when they spoke of beauty.
{Iola Speaking} "The only time I seem to get you to actually say something is over coffee, so let’s latte.
for the first time in an age, he saw the beauty of the stars, rather than the darkness between them.
If, from time to time, you give up expectation, you will be able to perceive what it is you are getting.
Ultimately, when I deliver something, a lot of times it will be from a black woman's perspective, but other times it will be just from a satirical, goofy perspective.
The one who adapts his policy to the times prospers, and likewise that the one whose policy clashes with the demands of the times does not.
Entrepreneurship isn't about luck, it's about vision, time management, creativity, determination and goals.
what you do not start, you do not finish.' procrastination can be liken to a journey without destination.Now is the best time to strike
Don't waste your time to make new dreams. but waste it to make one of your lifetime dream, come true.