There are certain people within the new government who have a slightly disturbing tendency toward authoritarianism, but there are so many checks and balances that in that way their noises are just noises.
Whenever the government says, 'It's time to move on,' that means there's something they don't want you to know about.
The lies the government and media tell are amplifications of the lies we tell ourselves. To stop being conned, stop conning yourself.
Our job as a government is to start with the great underpinnings of our current economic growth - particularly defence and mining - and build on these.
I also said, men are like curling irons, they never get out of your hair. And they are like government bonds, they take so long to mature.
In order to spur economic growth we need to put the brakes on out of control spending, lower Ohioans tax burden and create a most efficient and effective government.
On the same day I was sworn in as Prime Minister of Canada, I announced the most sweeping reform ever undertaken in the structure of our federal government.
To realize peace on the Korean peninsula, and to develop exchange, cooperation between both Koreas, they are the, you know, immediate target of our government.
Nine out of every 10 large corporations and government agencies have been attacked by computer intruders.
With the Australian Government paying more of the hospital bills, it will have the incentive to make sure people are treated through less expensive and more appropriate primary care services.
Just because society, and government, and whatever was different 100 years ago, doesn't mean that people didn't have sex, pick their nose, or swear.
If you're going to pick a book and you want to base a system of government around it, why not 'Harry Potter?'
A government should not function based on the pressures of some or others. It should try to adapt a mix of measures that fits every context and generates the appropriate steps forward.
Journalists are supposed to be skeptical, that's what keeps them digging rather than simply accepting the official line, whether it comes from government or corporate bureaucrats.
The very first act of the Confederate Government was to send commissioners to Washington to make terms of peace, and to establish relations of amity between the two sections.
The Menzies Government, by its participation in the plans for the development of other nations, can see the virtue of planning for them but apparently cannot see the virtue of a plan for Australia.
The United States government can indict you on something, and now you've got to prove your innocence. And that's not the Constitution of the United States.
Now it is clear, that if the government can exclude, on account either of their opinions or feelings, any persons thus drawn by lot, the trial is no longer a trial by 'the country,' but only by a portion of the country.
The Libertarian Party holds that same-sex marriages are an individual issue and that the government has no right to determine with whom a person should have a relationship.
In my view, it is important that our national government exercise leadership to improve the resiliency of the entire nation in the face of continuing extreme weather.
In fact, it works the other way: A government as big and bossy as this one is maintained on the backs of the middle class and those who hope to join it.