We permit Limitations to Limit us, instead of Limiting our Limitations.-RVM
War limits the deads. It limits them to the cimetery ... (La guerre limite les morts. - Les limite au cimetière...)
My limits will be better marked. Both the limits I will set, and my own limits.
Life is like a speed limit, our lives have limit.
It's not technology that limits us. We're the limitation. Our technology is an expression of our intelligence and creativity, so the limitations of our technology are a reflection of our own limitations. We can't fundamentally advance technology unti...
There are no limits, love, there are no limits.
Nations, great nations have limitations. All nations have limitations. Even great powers have limitations.
As far as the sovereignty of Bosnia-Hercegovina is concerned we agreed to have limited sovereignty for a limited time and that is clear from the Dayton Agreement.
I believe that all poetry is formal in that it exists within limits, limits that are either inherited by tradition or limits that language itself imposes.
Strive to be beyond what others perceive you to be, by striving beyond the limits of yourself.
The U.S. has a law on the books called the debt limit, but the name is misleading. The debt limit started in 1917 for the purpose of facilitating more national debt, not reducing it. It still serves that purpose. It's unconnected to spending, hurts o...
I continuously go further and further learning about my own limitations, my body limitation, psychological limitations. It's a way of life for me.
A blind man's world is bounded by the limits of his touch; an ignorant man's world by the limits of his knowledge: a great man's world by the limits of his vision.
Principle 1: By setting limitations, we must choose the essential. So in everything you do, learn to set limitations. Principle 2: By choosing the essential, we create great impact with minimal resources. Always choose the essential to maximize yo...
Limit to courage? There is no limit to courage.
Your life has a limit, but knowledge has none. If you use what is limited to pursue what has no limit, you will be in danger.
In a clean break from the Obama years, and frankly from the years before this president, we will keep federal spending at 20 percent of GDP, or less. That is enough. The choice is whether to put hard limits on economic growth, or hard limits on the s...
It's my belief that by demonizing Saddam, by raising the stakes in this war to the point where we're talking about a great moral crusade, that Bush in fact planted the seeds of discontent in the country, because this was fundamentally a limited war w...
As a consequence, the Court ruled that the limits on campaign spending violated the First Amendment, but it accepted the $1,000 limit on individual contributions on the ground that the need to avoid the appearance of corruption justified this limited...
You've got to know your limitations. I don't know what your limitations are. I found out what mine were when I was twelve. I found out that there weren't too many limitations, if I did it my way.
Time has no speed limit.