Richard III is not likeable. Macbeth is not likeable. Hamlet is not likeable. And yet you can't take your eyes off them. I'm far more interested in that than I am in any sort of likeability.
You have to be brave and not always play likeable people. It's difficult, because there's a demand for the hero or heroine to be very likeable.
Mediocrity comforts the masses. Mediocrity is a likeable attribute.
The vegan diet is obviously lacking whatever essential nutrient it is that makes people likeable.
It really takes likeable superstars to get the attention of the masses.
It's one thing to be this 'tough chick,' but you also have to be likeable.
Some persons are likeable in spite of their unswerving integrity.
A party full of 'likeable' people doesn't bear contemplating.
The expectation that TV women need to be more likeable than men is bullshit and in need of a change.
I've trained myself to illuminate the things in my personality that are likable and to hide and protect the things that are less likeable.
My dad's so likeable, you wouldn't feel in competition with him. If any boyfriends have ever felt that, they're long gone.
The easiest way for readers to connect with characters and feel sympathy is to make the character entertaining, sympathetic and likeable.
I was supposed to be authoritative, but at the same time had to be likeable, a quality that is a bonus, not a requirement, for men in the same position.
Insult is a monstrous scorpion, and compliment is a likeable nightingale; one stings mercilessly, and the other sings sweetly.
Some of the most likeable people on the outside are capable of truly heinous things.
Most human beings are quite likeable if you do not see too much of them.
There're two people in the world that are not likeable: a master and a slave.
Leadership must be likeable, affable, cordial, and above all emotional. The fashion of authoritarian leadership is gone. Football is about life. You can't be angry all day.
To be likeable as a woman, it seems, you have to ensure that you’re also non-threatening and slightly useless.
In terms of likeability, that's something that I don't think about as an actor when I approach a role.
The best ingredients for likeableness are a happy expression of countenance, an unaffected manner, and a sympathetic attitude.