It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in ...
Lightly, lightly, very lightly, A wind passes very lightly And goes away, always very lightly. And I don’t know what I think And I don’t want to know.
Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love.
All are not merry that dance lightly.
Who goes fasting to bed will sleep but lightly.
I never take any commitment lightly, and I certainly don't take my wife lightly. I never did and I never will. That's permanent. That's true love.
Long dismissed as children's stories or 'myths' by Westerners, Australian Aboriginal stories have only recently begun to be taken seriously for what they are: the longest continuous record of historic events and spirituality in the world.
He put one hand lightly on the back of her neck and simultaneously she placed one hand lightly on his hip, and they kissed in the street as all around them people hurried home in the summer light, and it was the sweetest kiss that either of them woul...
Best to live lightly, unthinkingly.
I don't use the word 'artists' lightly.
We worked lightly even in the heaviest parts.
At my age you don't go into fatherhood lightly.
I don't join or leave things lightly.
When I say music saved me, I don't say that lightly.
Take your work seriously and yourself lightly.
Nothing is taken lightly in 'The Hunger Games.'
His eyes touched lightly, and passed on.
The responsibility of carrying and bringing a new life into this world is one that cannot be taken lightly.
I don't take accusations of selling out lightly.
Only one golfer in a thousand grips the club lightly enough.
Today is Your Day to Dance Lightly with Life. It Really Is.