According to research from, homeless people are making as much money as most recent college graduates.
I am the Anagram of Love. I’m not evil, but I am evol. I guess this also makes me the Palindrome of Love!
Can you be in love with more than one person and only one person at the same time? Yes, if you’re in love with two clones.
I want to be a man of mountaintops: to scale the heights, achieve a sublime transcendence, and breathe in the thin air. Transcendence requires suffocation.
Your pants are unseasonably bitch. I beg your pardon. Excuse me, madam, but you are sitting on my erection.
Don’t believe what you hear about those penguins. A species of lazy waddlers. Their extinction is immanent.
The elephant’s love for him was a love I have never known – yet always longed to. For why should he be remembered always, and not I?
I introduced myself thus: “My name is Moscow Moonlove. My friends call me Moss, Cow, Moo, Moon, or Tigerpants.
A stack of graham crackers represents me as a person: am I a cookie or a cracker? Neither. Both. I’m a crackie.
What’s said in silence is best viewed in darkness. I learned that while reading a bowl of Alphabet Soup.
I want to write a song called, “She Bangs.” It won’t be about a sexually loose woman, but rather it will be a knock-knock joke.
All the letters from A to Z couldn’t express what you mean to me. Not without cloning them and using some over and over
I sleep with an astronaut’s helmet on my head, just in case I get into a high-speed crash with space during the middle of the night.
Or maybe nobody can fill that special place in her heart because I was nobody. And the only thing that fills a hole is a hole. And dirt.
The sky was as blue as orange could get. I love sunsets at noon, and forks disguised as spoons.
It’s not how much you paid, but how much it would cost to replace it that’s important. What is the price of love?
And last are the few whose delight is in meditation and understanding; who yearn not for goods, nor for victory, but for knowledge; who leave both market and battlefield to lose themselves in the quiet clarity of secluded thought; whose will is a lig...
I cast myself at him, like a fool, but he didn't see me. And then one day he noticed I was beautiful and he wanted me. He broke me off and took me with him, in his hands, and I didn't care that I was dying until I actually was.
See, you have the choice we didn’t. You wanna think about it though, you do, before you decide to throw your lot in with us. Cause it’s not just about living in society’s stitches, you know, the bits in between, the squats and secret places. It...
You see the mistakes of one system—the surveillance—and the mistakes of the other—the inequality—but there’s nothing you could have done in the one and nothing you can do now about the other. She laughs wryly. “And the clearer you see tha...
Make love to me,” she whispered. “If you make love to me then it is two of us. There is just one of him when he takes my blood, but we are two.” “We are two and more than two,” he whispered in her ear, and then he lifted her and carried her...