The reason for the unreason with which you treat my reason , so weakens my reason that with reason I complain of your beauty.
One frequently only finds out how really beautiful a women is, until after considerable acquaintance with her.
Lean in a bit so you can see the beautiful world, but don't lean in too far because you can fall
The beautiful thing about acting is that you can just dive into the character, strip yourself of everything, and just get in there and perfect your craft.
This world becomes heaven when we learn to see the beauty in and around us and enjoy them every moment.
Let my heart feel the joy, see the beauty, all around me. Still it may be in pure agony.
When you remove all of the barriers and open the window of your heart, love will eagerly enter through it with all its beauty.
Be a person who radiates the fire of love to burn and purify everything around to create the beauty of joy and peace.
For behaviorist films, that's been much more useful - the change of technology - but for my kind of films, doing them on film is much better, because it's more beautiful.
A love song must respect the canons of music beauty, entering the fibers of those who are listening. It must make them dream and pleasantly introduce them to the universe of love.
What, after all, is the object of education? To train the body in health, vigor and grace, so that it may express the emotions in beauty and the mind with accuracy and strength.
Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time.
There are no better cosmetics than a severe temperance and purity, modesty and humility, a gracious temper and calmness of spirit; and there is no true beauty without the signatures of these graces in the very countenance.
Combining music, theater and comedy is a new and broader form of expression. In certain combinations you can make people laugh one moment, cry the next, and then be astounded by the beauty of the music.
In LA, where I live, it's all about perfectionism. Beauty is now defined by your bones sticking out of your decolletage. For that to be the standard is really perilous for women.
There is little premium in poetry in a world that thinks of Pound and Whitman as a weight and a sampler, not an Ezra, a Walt, a thing of beauty, a joy forever.
There are always young bands playing in their garages. A lot of punk rock is not going to be in the mainstream. It's below the radar. The beauty of it is that you're not supposed to always know. It's subterranean.
People see you as an object, not as a person, and they project a set of expectations onto you. People who don't have it think beauty is a blessing, but actually it sets you apart.
Though beauty gives you a weird sense of entitlement, it's rather frightening and threatening to have others ascribe such importance to something you know you're just renting for a while.
Even in the centuries which appear to us to be the most monstrous and foolish, the immortal appetite for beauty has always found satisfaction.
I would be remiss when talking about beauty secrets to not say that one of the best is to care about the world around you. That's what really matters.