May you comfort and healing.
Stay focus and complete the journey.
You can have all your heart's desires.
You have all you need, to be all that you want.
It is never late, pursuit your ambitions.
Without hope we fail to exist.
Grace: All that I am and will be.
Earnestly and persistently pursue your dreams.
Look for a miracle in every encounter.
Visions are fulfilled in God's timing.
The hope of today is the dream of a brighter tomorrow.
Hope is strong trust in divine power.
May the Heavens be open to your prayers.
Power of prayer, serenity for the soul.
We are inspired by divine power to write.
To keep on receiving, you must keep giving.
Good deeds are permanent footprints.
Live each day with a grateful gratitude.
I am a happy soul.
Nourish your soul, mediate daily.
Read good books to improve yourself.