Our Company was participating in a management seminar in which we were taught a strategy that goes by the unlovely name of 'reverse your buts.' I did not make this up! It works like this: Maybe you're thinking, 'I love you, but you're driving me craz...
The Great Man... is colder, harder, less hesitating, and without fear of 'opinion'; he lacks the virtues that accompany respect and 'respectability,' and altogether everything that is the 'virtue of the herd.' If he cannot lead, he goes alone... He k...
Contemplating a flame perpetuates a primordial reverie. It separates us from the world and enlarges our world as dreamers. In itself the flame is a major presence, but being close to it makes us dream of far away, too far away. The flame is there, fe...
Responsibility is a unique concept... You may share it with others, but your portion is not diminished. You may delegate it, but it is still with you... If responsibility is rightfully yours, no evasion, or ignorance or passing the blame can shift th...
For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because...
Aspiring novelists should be taught that the old adage, “Write about what you know,” isn’t limited to what you have personally experienced. Vicarious experience is also a great part of what you know. Read a lot of history and it becomes part of...
I know we're not saints or virgins or lunatics; we know all the lust and lavatory jokes, and most of the dirty people; we can catch buses and count our change and cross the roads and talk real sentences. But our innocence goes awfully deep, and our d...
I was an executive running a pretty substantial group before becoming CEO, and I had no idea what it was like. When something goes wrong, people say, 'It's all your fault.' Your reaction is, 'It's not my fault.' But what do you mean? I was the founde...
...But that is a method for cowards; the brave man goes out into the hall, comes back with a stick, and says firmly, "You have just deliberately and cruelly exposed my ignorance before this company; I shall, therefore, beat you soundly with this stic...
They say you can't stop time, that it is a constant and waits for no one. The're wrong. Time slows when you want it to speed up. It goes too Fast when you're having fun. And it stops. It stops dead in its tracks, when the unthinkable occurs. Time is ...
Here is a principle to use in all aspects of economics and policy. When you find a good or service that is in huge demand but the supply is so limited to the point that the price goes up and up, look for the regulation that is causing it. This applie...
I have to tell everyone that when I finish a film and it goes out and is released, I never look at my films again. I don't like looking back. I don't even like talking about 'em! So I'm really digging back in my memory because I don't like to sit and...
Ding Bell: You see our grandmother lives in Rosita Beach, see, and she's dying and she kinda like to have us be with her when she goes. Benjy Benjamin: Otherwise she won't go. [Bell bumps him] Benjy Benjamin: Uh, she'll go!
Peter Joshua: Do we know each other? Reggie Lampert: Why, do you think we're going to? Peter Joshua: How would I know? Reggie Lampert: Because I already know an awful lot of people, so until one of them dies I couldn't possibly meet anyone else. Pete...
[Tom Hagen goes Christmas shopping, and meets Sollozzo] Sollozzo: I want to talk to you. Tom Hagen: [stepping aside] I haven't got time... Sollozzo: Make time, Consigliore! [Hagen finds himself trapped between Sollozzo and a hood] Sollozzo: What are ...
Ma Joad: Well, Pa, a woman can change better'n a man. A man lives sorta - well, in jerks. Baby's born or somebody dies, and that's a jerk. He gets a farm or loses it, and that's a jerk. With a woman, it's all in one flow, like a stream - little eddie...
[the Whomping Willow has just deposited Harry in the secret passageway] Harry: AHHH! [He starts to get up and Hermione lands on top of him] Hermione: AHHH! Oh I'm sorry! Harry: That's all right. [they get to their feet] Hermione: Where do you suppose...
Astrid: Careful with that dragon. Hiccup: [looking at his father] It's... not the dragon I'm worried about. Astrid: What are you gonna do? Hiccup: Put an end to this. I have to try. Astrid, if something... goes wrong, just make sure they don't find T...
[Willie goes to the front of the plane, and sees the cockpit is empty] Willie: Oh, no... oh, no... [Runs back and starts shaking Indy awake] Willie: Mister! Mister! Oh, Mister, wake up! Short Round: [waking up] You call him Dr. Jones, doll! Willie: O...
[Neo walks through a metal detector in the lobby and is approached by a security guard after it goes off] Security guard: Could you please remove any metallic items you may be carrying, keys, loose change... [Neo opens his trench coat to reveal dozen...
Betty Parker: [Betty is in color, George is still black & white] George, look at me. Look at my face. That meeting is not for me. George Parker: You'll put on some make-up. Betty Parker: I don't want to put on make-up. George Parker: It'll go away. I...