The destination is a happy life, an accomplished life that doesn't end with death but with eternal life.
Live life to the fullest
Singing is my life. It has always been my life. It will always be my life.
All my adult life, there was the Troubles. That was the backdrop of my life.
The only principle of Success in Life :"You must be present to win.
The meaning of life. The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word: 'grace.'
My life, I swear, is, like, 75% public. I have a very small percentage of my life that is private. But I do keep that private life private.
Oh! Death! You are the savior of life. You are the shelter of life. You are the destination of life. You are the beginning and the end of life. You are the center of the circle of life.
Absolutes are Coercion. Change is absolute.
Fear of change was a weakness
A lot changed when I had Natasha. I'm a survivor.
Love the game enough to change it!
Awareness is the fuel that powers change
Time can change the laws of physics.
Take a chance..., change a 'NO' to a 'YES'today.
You are the unchanging manifesting as the changefulness
I cannot drink or do anything that changes the mind.
Fashion changes, but style endures.
When you're in a high-stress situation, dynamics between people can change.
Becoming famous and selling a lot of records doesn't change a thing.
If consumers make better choices, the marketplace will change.