Everything is touched by the holy when it is in the presence of death.
He who has rejected his demons badgers us to death with his angels
My own business always bores me to death; I prefer other people's.
I have given my word that only death will take me from you.
If you can overcome love, you can overcome fear. If you can overcome fear, you can overcome death.
There would be no chance to get to know death at all ...if it happened only once.
Whatever fate ordains, danger or hurt, or death predetermined, nothing can avert.
Yes, they are carnal, both of them, love and death, and therein lies their terror and their great magic!
Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death.
this one-way rocket to Death in Adulthood" "Normal Time" in New California Writing
Death is God when love is mine. Prayer preys when we’re divine
A culture of unaccountability is a culture without incentive, and a culture without incentive is the death of critical and creative thinking.
Perfection is death,' Anastasia said. 'The world is imperfect, but if it weren't, who would love it?
The courage of the Syrian protesters is remarkable, for they face prison, torture, or death every time they lift a banner.
We need men with moral courage to speak and write their real thoughts, and to stand by their convictions, even to the very death.
If Shaw and Einstein couldn't beat death, what chance have I got? Practically none.
It takes time for the absent to assume their true shape in our thoughts. After death they take on a firmer outline and then cease to change.
Men are convinced of your arguments, your sincerity, and the seriousness of your efforts only by your death.
War is death. If we are to engage in war, then we should have to stare it straight in the face and call it by its rightful name.
I want to tell you what it was really like to think death is imminent, but I can't. It's a taste in your mouth. And an emptiness.
There is a strong demand for Michael Jackson's music and merchandise, and that will only increase as more material surfaces in the years following his death.