Die before you die and find that there is no death.
Only God would adore his own death.
A joke is an epigram on the death of a feeling.
Poets are interested primarily in death and commas.
Freedom for the wolves has often meant death to the sheep.
The death of dogma is the birth of morality.
His conscience, like a sunburnt scorpion, was stinging itself to death.
Death is a scandal. The machine is functioning, we are all hostages
Sex is kicking death in the ass while singing.
[death]...the abyss from where no traveler is permitted to return
It is when we are faced with death that we turn most bookish.
I'm not afraid of death really, just what comes after.
Death is the final dance of dreams, desires, loves and hopes.
Algren: I killed her husband? Katsumoto: It was a good death.
Antonio Ricci: "There's a cure for everything except death."
Achievement is the death of endeavor and the birth of disgust.
Injustice is a scar in the surface of the earth and death to the victim soul.
If you're determined to face death, then you'll find away to live.
May your sleep be your death, and your wakefulness be your heaven.
I heard death had a name, but I forgot what it was.
I can't do anything to death, doctor's orders.