That's art. Nothing is for everybody.
I forgot what I was going to think.
If the mind fits, shrink it.
Mom lied. The crust is the shittiest part.
Every swamp has a silted lining.
Wait now or wait, wait later.
Appeals to the Young and the Young at Heart.
The recitation of grievances was strange balm.
I felt that I was burning underwater.
My past is everything I failed to be.
He doesn't hear but sees the Voice.
Man is, that he may have Joy.
Even death has a heart.
The bombs were coming-and so was I.
It could be worse. I could be you.
Honesty is admired, and starves.
I have hair on my chest. And it’s purring.
Courage is a vitamin best swallowed with whiskey.
Boys will be boys. Well, some boys will be girls.
The pinnacle of every conversation is coming to the point.
I inherited my independence from my parents.