If it were not for the war, this war would suit me down to the ground.
It is inhuman to continue a war which could easily be ended.
The essential act of war is destruction, not necessarily of human lives, but of the products of human labor.
It's impossible to know what happens in the fog of war.
Anyway, there were more after the war than before.
Strike against war, for without you no battles can be fought!
I think that NATO is itself a war criminal.
In war, events of importance are the result of trivial causes.
I was very much a child of the Cold War.
Only the most deluded of us could doubt the necessity of this war.
Eventually, I was sent to Wales and Germany, and after the war, to Paris.
The war, as I felt it and a lot of my compatriots felt it, was a creative act.
In war, the army is not merely a pure consumer, but a negative producer.
War vies with magic in its efforts to get something for nothing.
I found out about the Spanish war because I was in Germany when it began.
A majority of this country opposes this war, a majority of this country never voted for this administration.
It's a near miracle that nuclear war has so far been avoided.
Pre-emptive war might fall within the framework of international law.
War - the ordinary man's most convenient means of escaping from the ordinary.
I hated the bangs in the war: I always felt a silent war would be more tolerable.
Unless one is inordinately fond of subordination, one is always at war.