I detest heavy perfume and shrill voices.
Curiosity is as much the parent of attention, as attention is of memory.
What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you.
Living in the light of eternity changes your priorities.
God is never in a hurry, but he is always on time.
You cannot exalt God and yourself at the same time.
Curiosity begins as an act of tearing to pieces or analysis.
The sensory acts are accordingly distinguished by their objects.
I think there will be more smiles when the smoke clears.
I've got to relearn what I was supposed to have learned.
The point of painting is not really deception or imitation.
I listen to my spirit guide.
Before Julia Child there was only onion dip.
Information wants to be free.
I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.
From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate.
I was really too honest a man to be a politician and live.
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.
Sometimes breaking the rules is just extending the rules
Be to their virtue very kind; be to their faults a little blind.
Share our similarities, celebrate our differences.