It's easy to maintain your integrity when no one is offering to buy it out.
Free the child's potential, and you will transform him into the world.
It is the mission of the twentieth century to elucidate the irrational.
The Russian norm is an extremely barbaric state of mind.
Different creeds are but different paths to reach the same God.
Democracy is finding proximate solutions to insoluble problems.
Pats cīnies, palīdz, domā, spried un sver, Pats esi kungs, pats laimei – durvis ver!
Jihad expands Islam's domain by any means available.
The basic theory in twistor theory is not to add extra dimensions.
The first is called insuperable, the second inseparable, the third singular.
It's soothing to realize that my mind's processes are inherently uncontrollable.
A true lover always feels in debt to the one he loves.
The prices of all imports would rise if the dollar depreciates.
Of what shall a man be proud, if he is not proud of his friends?
If your morals make you dreary, depend on it, they are wrong.
It is one thing to mortify curiosity, another to conquer it.
Vanity dies hard; in some obstinate cases it outlives the man.
A whole lot of Americans have never met a Mormon.
Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.
For marriage is like life in this—that it is a field of battle, and not a bed of roses.
Trees are Earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.