Envy's a coal comes hissing hot from Hell.
A man is an angel that has gone deranged.
The problem with introspection is that it has no end.
Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice.
And perhaps, posterity will thank me for having shown it that the ancients did not know everything.
Pilots enjoy the fun and challenge of handling the fancy machine.
The best way to learn is to do; the worst way to teach is to talk.
Calm can solve all issues.
When someone is trying to interpret something for you, they always have an agenda.
I hate that not everything ever written is on iBooks. Man, I hate paper.
Comedy is taken care of by a free market.
Programmers have a saying: "garbage in, garbage out.
For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.
Not to help justice in her need would be an impiety.
Character is simply habit long continued.
You should not honor men more than truth.
Knowledge unqualified is knowledge simply of something learned.
Metaphors are much more tenacious than facts.
It seems to me the structure of the Quartets is too imposed.
I'd like people to understand that I do have some personality.
If teams keep playing us this way, it's going to be like this