Frost grows on the window glass, forming whorl patterns of lovely translucent geometry. Breathe on the glass, and you give frost more ammunition. Now it can build castles and cities and whole ice continents with your breath’s vapor. In a few blinks...
When you do your research write down whatever interests you. Whatever stimulates your imagination. Whatever seems important. A story is built like a stone wall. Not all the stones will fit. Some will have to be discarded. Some broken and reshaped. Wh...
I worship impersonal Nature, which is neither "good" or "bad", and who knows neither love nor hatred. I worship Life; the Sun, Sustainer of life. I believe in the Law of everlasting struggle, which is the law of life, and in the duty of the best spec...
Bombs Away!" he yelled, swooping low over StregaSchloss. He saw little figures on the ground fleeing from the large green projectile that was speeding their way. "And a direct hit, if I'm not mistaken," he observed to himself. With a tremendous slapp...
Un nou-născut crede că el reprezintă întregul univers, dar greșește - așa cum își dă seama destul de repede. De aceea, el trebuie să studieze lumea exterioară lui - trebuie să încerce să învețe unde se află granițele dintre persoan...
Sering kulihat wanita dibebani barang bawaan cukup berat, menggendong, menyunggi, masih mendukung bocah, dan suaminya enak-enak jalan dengan berjual tampang hanya membawa tombak. Ait, terlalu. Pernah kutegur seorang diantara mereka, dan suaminya mema...
Persaudaraan yang diikat oleh sesuatu. Dengan ikatan itu mereka saling menjaga, saling membantu bila ada keperluan, merupakan saudara seperti satu keluarga sendiri, dalam fam atau marga yang sama. Ikatan ini merupakan dan mempunyai ketentuan hukum, d...
Saya ingin ikut ke Jawa kalau sampeyan-sampeyan pulang. Sayang nampaknya sampeyan-sampeyan sudah merasa kerasan tinggal di sini, sudah membuat jalan-jalan, sawah, jembatan, rumah, dan bendungan - Seorang Wanita Yang Ditemui Tristuti Rahmadi Suryosapu...
Em prometia no dir mai res, no fer mai res que els altres poguessin emmagatzemar al seu cap per retreure-m’ho el dia que els donés la gana. No volia quedar mai més enterrat, immobilitzat per un munt de paraules, convertit en un retrat que em feie...
How would your life be different if...You were conscious about the food you ate, the people you surround yourself with, and the media you watch, listen to, or read? Let today be the day...You pay attention to what you feed your mind, your body, and y...
This book is not about heroes. English poetry is not yet fit to speak of them. Nor is it about deeds, or lands, nor anything about glory, honour, might, majesty, dominion, or power, except War. Above all I am not concerned with Poetry. My subject is ...
Over all this lay Hoppie's dictum: First with the head and then with the heart. Winning was something you worked at intellectually, emotion clouds the mind and is its natural enemy. This made for a loneliness which often let me aching to share an emo...
And she didn't once say anything about this being a sin. It used to be I got the word sin slapped in my face every time I did something wrong, but come on, when you live in a sin-free family with sin-free parents and a sin-free sister, well, you can'...
The first effect of the mind growing cultivated is that processes once multiple get to be performed in a single act. Lazarus has called this the progressive 'condensation' of thought. ... Steps really sink from sight. An advanced thinker sees the rel...
Poetry is an intimate act. It's about bringing forth something that's inside you--whether it is a memory, a philosophical idea, a deep love for another person or for the world, or an apprehension of the spiritual. It's about making something, in lang...
Writing and reading are the only ways to find your voice. It won't magically burst forth in your poems the next time you sit down to write, or the next; but little by little, as you become aware of more choices and begin to make them -- consciously a...
You know what, you need to stay out of my bedroom. You have your own.” He smiled. “I know I do. I see it quite often. I just prefer your bed. It smells better.” I made a face. “It smells better? What does your bed smell like? Regret and bad t...
What do you think it means if someone has a tattoo of Thanatos’s symbol?” “Nothing probably, since a lot of us have tattoos of various symbols.” “You don’t.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I regretted them. His eyes turned from gra...
But why is it still there? Why is it there at all?" I flipped my palm over several times, shook it, but the faint blue tattoo was still there. "You can see it, right? Like right now, you can see it?" "Yes. It hasn't faded." Seth leaned forward, catch...
On Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell in : "These two simply one another more than either of them appreciates anyone else, and they would rather be appreciated by one another more than by anyone else. They just are with one another, whether or not they ...
Everyone else felt the need to assure me that Mother's death was part of God's plan. Exactly, I wanted to shout after reading this sentiment half a dozen times--- his plan is to kill us all, and if an innocent child dies in agony and a wicked man bre...