Man is to be found in reason, God in the passions.
I actually pray everyday, but I don't believe in God.
Reverence the deacons as you would the command of God.
There is no greater distance than that between a man in prayer and God.
Plato stands for the union of truth and goodness in the supreme idea of God.
God is sufficient in all ages for His church.
I don't think God's through with me.
I prefer to think that God is not dead, just drunk.
God is a concept by which we measure our pain.
Every man's highest, nameless though it be, is his 'living God'.
God never promised us a trouble-free life.
When I'm asked to define God, I'm almost wordless.
I'll die young, but it's like kissing God.
The key to winning is choosing to do God's will and loving others with all you've got.
The noble man is only God's image.
All God wants of man is a peaceful heart.
God often gives nuts to toothless people.
The God of this world is riches, pleasure and pride.
Men must live and create. Live to the point of tears.
Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.