It is not enough to be wrong, one must also be polite.
Stop telling God what to do with his dice.
If you don't like what someone has to say, argue with them.
If you want to achieve something, you build the basis for it.
Remember, weapons of mass destruction don't mean missiles.
The elections are run by the same industries that sell toothpaste on television.
Civil disobedience is - it's no fun.
Rendition is just sending people abroad to be tortured.
Is the Iranian record of intervention and terror worse than that of the U.S.?
It doesn't take long to become aware of the presence of the CIA in Laos.
Obama himself has been highly supportive of Mubarak.
I've sometimes thought of marrying - and then I've thought again.
...the Bible is probably the most genocidal book in the literary canon.
We are perverse creatures and never satisfied.
You come to realize people are not simple.
I'm just totally fascinated by people.
Inspiration means breathing in. Breathing in God.
We make versions, and true versions make worlds.
Anything we fully do is an alone journey.
I only need 1 thing: Everything" - Sengoku Nadeko
Hope and carbohydrates were a powerful combination.