I like to have a title before I start writing.
To write is human, to receive a letter: Devine!
The permanent campaign is inherently deceptive.
No treaty is ever an impediment to a cheat.
No enemy is worse than bad advice.
Foolishness is indeed the sister of wickedness.
Not even Ares battles against necessity.
When trouble ends even troubles please.
No man loves the bearer of bad tidings.
It's impossible to speak what it is not noble to do.
You hold substance in my psyche
Sometimes I say the medication is even tougher than the illness.
Character is property. It is the noblest of possessions.
This Englishwoman is so refined, She has no bosom and no behind.
There is something so arbitrary about prizes.
I haven't been part of the criminal world.
Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.
Nobody ever gets what they want when it comes to love.
You can't always say what you'd like to say.
Sometimes you need to press pause to let everything sink in.
Writing is a struggle no matter what the genre.