Experience is the best teacher of all. And for that, there are no guarantees that one will become an artist. Only the journey matters.
The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain.
The best meal at my restaurant is the whole right side of the menu.
Delayed gratification is a sweet lesson whose teacher knows the best is not right now, it is yet to be.
The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit.
History is the only true teacher, the revolution the best school for the proletariat.
You can be the best person in the league but if you don't win championships, something's missing.
I think my best years are ahead of me and that's exciting.
You're the little spoon, aren't you?
Every choice is limited. That's life.
Unhappiness is bondage; therefore, happiness is freedom.
What's done cannot be undone.
Each position has its corresponding duties.
Eternity. Isn't that word terrifying?
To suffer together is to suffer with beauty...
The concentration of the elite athlete is akin perhaps to the concentration of the writer.
How vain, without the merit, is the name.
Problems are only opportunities with thorns on them.
The key to thrillers is vicarious pleasure.
Modesty used to be considered a natural female attribute. No more.
My mother set us to an activity and let us be.