The enemy of art is the absence of limitations.
Art is man's nature; nature is God's art.
The purpose of art is to collide the intellectual and visceral together at the highest speed possible.
The beginning is the most important part of the work.
Art includes everything that stimulates the desire to live.
I'm enamored with the art world.
The art of photography is all about directing the attention of the viewer.
Learn the art of the pitch and of messaging.
I'm art. You're art. We are God's greatest works, simple as that.
No trates de ser humilde: aprende la humildad.
Orang berilmu, berpengetahuan, dan berbakat itu tak boleh punah.
Pengertian adalah hidup. Hidup adalah dihidupi dan menghidupi.
Dalam pencurian dan pembunuhan tidak pernah ada ampun.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, yadda yadda yadda.
History is biology's dumping ground
It ain't brave if you ain't scared.
To say nothing, especially when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy.
Actors have no color. That's the art form.
In a state of conflict or a conflicted state.
En ausencia de la luz prevalece la oscuridad
I was there, the day that Horus killed the Emperor