Seek on earth what you have found in heaven.
Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.
Lord, help me to begin to begin.
I take it that a successful therapy is an oxymoron.
I've got around 400 cookbooks.
Commit yourself to a mighty purpose.
Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies.
A man is a poor creature compared to a woman.
Never be so brief as to become obscure.
Brevity and conciseness are the parents of correction.
I'm the Jerry Lewis of crime fiction.
It's really intimidating to go on the beach in a bikini.
Like any woman, I worry about my body.
The focus of subjectivity is a distorting mirror.
Nothing exists except through language.
There are no desperate situations, there are only desperate people.
It is decisive to completely destroy Warsaw.
But there are some wounds that can never be healed.
Sometimes my colleagues joke and call me Hannah.
I left Princeton, but I graduated Harvard, in 1952.
Humble people ask for help.