Letting go is impossible when you're holding a grudge." -Faydra D. Fields
30 Quotes 30 Days, Volume 1It might be just some trend that came and went,' I said. 'But for us, it's our life.
Never Let Me GoIt was like there was some parallel universe we all vanished off to where we had all this sex.
Never Let Me GoIt wouldn’t matter if he was a bad boy , if you got rid of your bad habit. Be encouraged
Never Let Go of My HandJennings is too tough and honest a writer to let anyone off her moral hook, even her hero.
Let Loose the DogsSorrow is allowed, sorrow is advised; all we have to do is let go, all we have to do is love.
The List of my DesiresYou must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.
Life, the Truth, and Being Free