Thomas: Don't let's spoil everything, we've only just met. Jane: No, we haven't met. You've never seen me.
Charlie: You're nuts to let a girl go that calls you Lotte, I tell you that as a friend.
Amber Waves: Let me just check on something. [takes off Dirk's pants] Amber Waves: This is a giant cock.
Let a man get up and say, Behold, this is the truth, and instantly I perceive a sandy cat filching a piece of fish in the background. Look, you have forgotten the cat, I say.
A multi-purpose stadium is an absolute must in order to invigorate our downtown and, simultaneously, let the rest of the country witness that we can get things done.
Let me put it this way: I think Republicans tend to keep the ball in play, Democrats go for broke.
But let no person say what they would or would not do, since we are not judges for ourselves until circumstances call us to act.
Two hungry wolves let loose among sheep are not more harmful then a person craving after wealth and status is to his Deen (Religion).
Certain actors wanna get paid, they think working in a low-budget movie is being ripped off. But for others it's like, 'Yes, let's do it.'
Local transit agencies have developed apps to let you know when the next bus is coming, but there are so many more applications that can be done.
I've realized that, sometimes, you have to let people go. But I'm really glad I have someone to hold on to.
I'm old enough to know that a red carpet's just a rug, and I've been able to enjoy the pageantry without letting it go to my head.
Maybe to have a memory you need time for reflection, however brief, just to let the memory find a place to settle.
Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.
We have wasted our spirit in the regions of the abstract and general just as the monks let it wither in the world of prayer and contemplation.
No matter how brilliant an actor is, there's always a point where they let you down, but that's all part of their journey. They might be trying something they need to explore.
Let your passion bleed through your work. No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care.
True courage is not the absence of fear; it is refusing to let fear control your actions. ~ from the book "Do Hard Things
It is problem that some people let down us and there are one solution for this problem do not wait anything from anyone.
Don't let the way people are, disrupt your day. Understand them for who they are, the good & the bad, but keep a bond with Serenity.
Let’s face it. It’s already hard being yourself, so why do we insist on adding pressure trying to please others.