--Hero!? Forget it! We're Pirates! I love heroes but I don't wanna become one! Do you even know what it takes to be a Hero!? Lets say you have some meat okay? Now a Pirate would chomp down on that bad boy, but a hero would share it with everyone!! I ...
You think I'm pretty Without any make-up on You think I'm funny When I tell the puch line wrong I know you get me So I'll let my walls come down, down
Dad wouldn't let me fool with his guitar much, because I'm left-handed, and I'd pick it up upside down. But I remember learning to sing 'Paper Doll,' the Mills Brothers song - this was during the war - and I remember my dad taking me down to one of t...
Sarah: Help! Stop it! Help! Helping Hand: What do you mean "help"? We *are* helping. Different Helping Hand: We're Helping Hands. Sarah: You're hurting! Helping Hand: Would you like us to let go? Heh-heh... [They loosen their grip, Sarah starts to sl...
Don't let the man bring you down.
Never let disappointments cripple you down. Be success-conscious.
Sometimes even the imagination lets one down.
I've never let my guard down by saying, 'I don't need to be hedged.'
I was on the stairs coming down when she let him in.
Dont let her clothes down for your sexual need.
The Lord has been with me throughout my life. He's never let me down.
I profoundly feel that people are letting you down all the time.
I could never let the teacher down. I always worked hard, too scared to get in trouble.
How you live your life is up to you. You have to go out and grab the world by the horns. Rope it before it ties you down and decides for you.
Sometimes I think there are only two instructions we need to follow to develop and deepen our spiritual life: slow down and let go.
Change is difficult, but necessary for salvation. Turn from your sins and acknowledge Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Let Him take control of your life. He won’t let you down. He’s not you. He’s God.
The most important thing is not to let fundraising get you down. Startups live or die on morale. If you let the difficulty of raising money destroy your morale, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you want to fly on the sky, you need to leave the earth. If you want to move forward, you need to let go the past that drags you down.
If I could distil the relevance of Bruce Springsteen's music to Australia it would be this: don't let what has happened to the American economy happen here. Don't let Australia become a down-under version of New Jersey, where the people and the commu...
If darkness surrounds you, look for the light. If you can't see it, raise your head up. You may be surrounded by darkness but it does not cover you on top. Let the light shine down on you and let it lead the way out of darkness.
My writing process often begins with a question. I write down ideas and let them stew for about a year. Then, when I sit down to write, I make a list of characters and try to see how they fit.