Blame has no purpose, and it is a lousy teacher.
When Fish Fly: Lessons for Creating a Vital and Energized Workplace from the World Famous Pike Place Fish MarketWe live as ripples of energy in the vast ocean of energy.
The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You WantThere are few second chances when it comes to establishing your leadership legacy.
A Cup of My Coffee: Leadership Lessons from the Battlefield to the BoardroomMake your customers comfortable and they will give you their lives.
Copy This!: Lessons from a Hyperactive Dyslexic who Turned a Bright Idea Into One of America's Best CompaniesAccountants are in the past, managers are in the present, and leaders are in the future.
Copy This!: Lessons from a Hyperactive Dyslexic who Turned a Bright Idea Into One of America's Best Companies