If you spend your time talking to God about everything, you'll be less likely to vent your feelings to everyone.
Managers today have to do more with less, and get better results from limited resources, more than ever before.
Like a child star whose fame fades as the years advance, many once-innovative companies become less so as they mature.
Man is largely a creature of habit, and many of his activities are more or less automatic reflexes from the stimuli of his environment.
The more positive you are the more people want to be around you and the less positive you are...well, just reverse it!
Many are less fortunate than you’ may not be a roof to live under, but it will serve to retire beneath in the event of a shower.
A beast does not know that he is a beast, and the nearer a man gets to being a beast, the less he knows it.
The important thing about tax reform is you make the tax code less complicated, easier for people to understand.
One knows less about one's own destiny than about anything else on earth.
One of the things I find about acting is that the less the audience knows about the actor, the more they're able to believe in him in the role.
I want to get into the educational DNA of American culture. I want 10 percent of the common culture, more or less, to be black.
Because I believe actually the more you do something, the less frightening it becomes because you start to realize the outcome is not as important as you think.
I don't want everyone to like me; I should think less of myself if some people did.
The glory of my name increases my shame. Less known by mortals, I could better escape their eyes.
I couldn't care less about league tables. I'm more interested in kitchen tables and conference room tables.
Better educated or financially comfortable people often smile more than less educated or economically distressed people.
When the world has once begun to use us ill, it afterwards continues the same treatment with less scruple or ceremony, as men do to a whore.
People know who I am. I have less ability to be intimidated, in a sense, than others coming up.
We have three billion people, half the world's population today, living on less than two dollars a day.
I resent the implication that I'm less of a musician and a worse person for not appreciating certain works.
Life is so beautiful and so short that anything that makes me feel less than too much is nothing at all.