Después de algún tiempo, al amargado no le queda deseo alguno. No tiene voluntad ni de vivir, ni de morir. Éste es el problema.
La mujer que no hace del hombre su súbdito, su esclavo, ¿qué digo?, su juguete, y que no le traiciona riendo, es una loca.
Centuries of perfectly-pitched heartbreak resound through Les' microphone as Stella and I embrace in a slow dance.
Le Corbusier is an outstanding writer. His ideas achieved their impact in large measure because he could write so convincingly. His style is utterly clear, brusque, funny and polemical in the best way.
La cultura è un bene comune e primario, come l'acqua: i teatri, le biblioteche, i musei, i cinema sono come tanti acquedotti.
I really don't even think of myself as being Jewish except when I'm in Germany.
If you were a son of mine, I wouldn't want you to be an architect, because it's a tough way to be in the world.
I don't know how to use appliances. I mean, I use the coffee maker. But that's it.
For most of the nineteen-seventies, the official route map of the New York City subway system was a beautiful thing.
I sit down to the piano regularly at nine-o'clock in the morning and Mesdames les Muses have learned to be on time for that rendezvous.
I've built two wooden houses near Vals. I built them for my wife. Those were private projects.
My buildings should have an emotional core - a space which, in itself, has an emotional nice feeling.
Sending a container from Shanghai to Le Havre emits fewer greenhouse gases than the truck that takes the container on to Lyon.
La bonne musique ne se trompe pas, et va droit au fond de l'âme chercher le chagrin qui nous dévore.
Because there are a lot of big cities in the world, people who live in cities have become more isolated than ever.
I sometimes feel that we are losing an intuitive sense of our own bodies.
There are so many constraints on the architect that public buildings almost never feel free or enjoyable.
Find a place that you are comfortable with. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Make a lot of mistakes.
You can't have the finest buildings if they're not in focus. They become like nice cars parked on the street.
I didn't know I could sing until I auditioned for 'Les Miserables.' My friend was auditioning, and I wanted to audition too.
In the modern operas that 'Miss Saigon' and 'Les Miz' are, nobody breaks out into song from conventional book dialogue. Everything is sung from beginning to end, including the recitative.