l'espace de l'esprit, là où il peut ouvrir ses ailes, c'est le silence. (chapitre XXIII, dernière phrase)
The door handle is the handshake of the building.
Trente chevaux sur une colline rouge; D'abord ils mâchonnent, Puis ils frappent leur marque, Ensuite ils restent immobiles. (Les dents)
You know, the reward for 'Captain America' is amazing. It's always fun to see a giant spectacle film and see the fun stuff - the special effects.
Overcoming the obstacle of my diabetes diagnosis was something that forced me tackle the challenge head-on and, with an amazing support system, eventually come out stronger.
What you know about the people whom you know at all well is truly amazing, even though you have never formulated it.
Some of the most amazing human beings on the face of the planet go to sci-fi conventions, although I'm sure a few of them wouldn't admit it.
Your voice is like a very serious instrument that you have to tame if you want to be an amazing singer - Marvin Gaye or Michael Jackson.
Architecture doesn't come from theory. You don't think your way through a building.
Architecture is restricted to such a limited vocabulary. A building is either a high-rise or a perimeter block or a town house.
I'm somebody who likes codes and ciphers and chases and artwork and architecture, and all the things you find in a Robert Langdon thriller.
We build buildings which are terribly restless. And buildings don't go anywhere. They shouldn't be restless.
In L.A., cinema and television might be seen as more interesting places for architecture than ever before.
It was the drawing that led me to architecture, the search for light and astonishing forms.
Architecture has its place in the concrete world. This is where it exists. This is where it makes its statement.
In architecture you should live for 150 years, because you have to learn in the first 75 years.
You have to accept as an architect to be exposed to criticism. Architecture should not rely on full harmony.
Princeton University's campus environment presents unique challenges and opportunities for architecture to act as a social condenser.
Japanese architecture is traditionally based on wooden structures that need renovating on a regular basis.
Nothing requires the architect's care more than the due proportions of buildings.
A city is not an accident but the result of coherent visions and aims.