Common right is nought but the protection of all radiating over the right of each. This protection of all is termed Fraternity. The point of intersection of all these aggregated sovereignties is called Society. This intersection being a junction, thi...
Every good quality runs into a defect; economy borders on avarice, the generous are not far from the prodigal, the brave man is close to the bully; he who is very pious is slightly sanctimonious; there are just as many vices to virtue as there are ho...
I walk alone, absorbed in my fantastic play, — Fencing with rhymes, which, parrying nimbly, back away; Tripping on words, as on rough paving in the street, Or bumping into verses I long had dreamed to meet.
You have the army of mediocrities followed by the multitude of fools. As the mediocrities and the fools always form the immense majority, it is impossible for them to elect an intelligent government.
Her son would be incomparably handsome, good and powerful. He would be the expected Messiah; it is fortunate for humanity that all mothers have this pathetic faith, without it mankind would not have the ever-renascent strength to go on living.
Le paradis des écrivains, c’est l’endroit où vous décidez de réécrire la vie comme vous auriez voulu la vivre. Car la force des écrivains, Marcus, c’est qu’ils décident de la fin du livre.
Molti tra i vivi meritano la morte. E parecchi che sono morti avrebbero meritato la vita. Sei forse tu in grado di dargliela? E allora non essere troppo generoso nel distribuire la morte nei tuoi giudizi: sappi che nemmeno i più saggi possono vedere...
J'ai quelque fois rêvé que de temps en temps des heures se détachaient de la vie des anges et venaient ici-bas traverser la destinée des hommes.
La verdad, es que en el fondo soy un fatalista. Si a uno le llega la hora, da lo mismo un Boeing que la puntual maceta que se derrumba sobre uno desde un séptimo piso
Quando un uomo mangia tre pasti al giorno, diventa pericoloso. Per se stesso e per gli altri. Mangiare troppo rende nervosi. Pasti continui e digestioni faticose creano le guerre. Difficilmente i morti di fame combattono tra loro.
plant it It will sprout But forget about the rustic festivities For the explosive word falls harmlessly eternal through the compact generations
I met your father last week. Are you still interested in hearing how he is doing? No. It is very probable that you will be responsible for his death. It is virtually certain that he is responsible for my life. We are even.
Ella me pertenecía, lo podía sentir, y yo sabia bien que le pertenecía a ella, mi lugar en el mundo era a su lado. Y todo me indicaba que ella era mi alma gemela, ella estaba hecha perfectamente para mi, cada célula, cada centímetro.
On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conquérant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu. Kill a man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a god.
Sin duda, nada es más natural hoy día que ver a las gentes trabajar de la mañana a la noche y en seguida elegir, entre el café, el juego y la charla, el modo de perder el tiempo que les queda por vivir.
—Gracias—le dije con una sonrisa, y controlada por un impulso me incliné y lo abracé, pero reaccione después de unos segundos y comencé a apartarlo —Bueno ya puedes soltarme Swanson, no se me valla a pegar el olor de pobre o algo.
«Non tutte le parole sono precipitate al suolo» disse Lucio, trovando infine il coraggio di guardarmi negli occhi. Mi sforzai di dire qualcosa. «No?» «No» continuò, il volto ammorbidito. Era sollevato che avessi deciso di aprire bocca. «Sembr...
Il me dit: « Vous avez dû avoir peur. » Je réponds oui pour ne pas faire d'histoires, mais en fait je n'ai pas eu peur du tout, j'ai juste eu l'impression que j'allais crever dans les prochaines minutes ; c'est différent.
Conservation destroys the present. If we are only busy preserving the past, we are not living in the present and unable to look forward. I am against conservation. We should let young people move forward, whether we agree with them or not. We should ...
Normally, architects render a service. They implement what other people want. This is not what I do. I like to develop the use of the building together with the client, in a process, so that as we go along we become more intelligent.
I never had any financial support or sponsors, and so I always had to, at every level, prove myself the hard way. I was five years in Japan before I got my debut at Le Mans. And I think this is a humble way to get through as a racing driver.