The Oscar nomination is great. It's a great pat on the back. And I like that.
That movie, 'Airplane!,' what a landmark film it was. It's a great, great movie.
I was never a quick writer, but composed with great care and efforts.
He's a great kid. He hates the same way I do.
Lost are many great commissions by such neglect.
Eye was a great discovery. He is one of the great vocalists of all time.
Clem had made it known that Pollock was a great painter.
Great CEOs are not just born with shiny hair and a tie.
Our great Constitution challenges us to grow constantly.
I never thought of myself as a really particularly great singer.
A great work is made out of a combination of obedience and liberty.
To be a liar, you've got to have a great memory, and I don't have a memory.
I have found a very great number of exceedingly beautiful theorems.
Small museums are great. Big museums are a drag.
I like Public Enemy a great deal.
Only great people can make great products.
The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.
I didn't feel so great when I was a teenager, but who does?
My three children have brought me great joy.
A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices.
We will work with everybody for the good of New York.