Most of my influences are turn-of-the-century.
I've never been an optimist.
I like the sparkle of the vibraphone.
Africa is on the rise.
Rastafari not a culture, it's a reality.
I don't need much coaxing.
Ah! Pauvre ami, comme il m'aimait!
Sound is the vocabulary of nature.
Statistics is the grammar of science.
Success is difficult to define.
I love to be creative.
I don't remember feeling love.
People can misconstrue closeness for love.
Do whatever you do intensely.
Marriage is the grave or tomb of wit.
I'm not a mass-appeal artist.
La tristesse durera toujours. [ ]
My face is my passport.
I work to please my audience.
Architecture is the reaching out for the truth.
Art is more engaging that propaganda.