You may have the universe if I may have Italy.
In the end it doesn't matter what you do.
I always write the pieces I want to write.
In writing, I search for believability, simplicity and emotional impact.
As long as Pete and Joe are there, it's gonna be jumping.
When did one man ever civilize a people?
The world chooses to think what the world thinks.
We are the yin and the yang of the creative process.
It's like a whole orchestra, the piano for me.
I prefer living in color.
California is always in my mind.
We should have A-levels in vocational subjects.
Emerging markets are hugely important.
Companies are not ingenious, it's the people in them that are.
The only element of jazz that I keep is improvisation.
Weird is just a side-effect of being awesome!
My life was really interesting before 'Chic.'
Pet stores just sell their animals.
I spend a lot of time reading.
Well-arranged time is the surest mark of a well-arranged mind.
Time becomes more precious when you have children.