For the first six or eight months at Juilliard I felt paralysed. I didn't know what I was doing.
Your range of available choices - right now - is limitless.
If you write songs you have an idea how they're going to sound.
I write with a mouse, because it has no psychological associations or memories or habits associated with it.
I don't know if I'm striving for anything that I can put into words.
There is stuff I would have liked to have done. But there are no sour grapes.
I don't know how to overcome this perception that I'm extravagant.
I am in discussions with a label. We are talking about doing something.
Agricultural husbandry essentially maintains the balance of bound nitrogen.
The others don't like my interviews. And frankly, I don't care much for theirs.
But, you know, we spent two years putting our act together.
When I'm dead, I want to be remembered as a musician of some worth and substance.
One learns about painting by looking at and imitating other painters.
Easy mind, light heart. A mind that is too easy hides a heart that is too heavy.
The manager is to be blamed who distributes parts to his players which they are unable to act.
The world resembles a stage on which every man is playing a part.
My style of playing is more enthusiasm and instinct than skill.
I look really odd in jeans and a hoodie - it doesn't feel or seem right.
The Lincoln Memorial is related to the toga and the civilization that wore it.
I don't want people to think that I can't make fun of myself.
It hasn't been hard getting nominated, but winning it is another thing. The competition is tough.