I've kept a diary since I was 11.
640K ought to be enough for anybody.
Eventually, all companies are replaced.
Order doesn't come by itself.
Only a spiritual being has awareness.
It's all in the mind.
Oaths are the fossils of piety.
The spirit of jazz is the spirit of openness.
My curves are not crazy.
I'm an academic. It's publish or perish.
I like living on the edge.
I don't mind saying what's on my mind.
The way to compose for me is to have lots of time.
You need the willingness to fail all the time.
Vagueness is at times an indication of nearness to a perfect truth.
The modern composer builds upon the foundation of truth.
The truth is more important than the facts.
There's no comfort in the truth, pain is all you'll find.
The clearest actions come from truth, not obligation.
Heart power is stronger than horsepower.
The permanent power brokers of this city are the columnists.